Case Studies - Pool / Jacuzzi Application
    HKUST Swimming Pool   Ozonation Shut Down and Significant Cost Saved

There are one indoor pool and one outdoor in a university. Pool water was disinfected by ozone and chlorine in the past. Due to high operation and maintenance cost, the ozonation system is shut down and replaced by AquaKLEAR. The water quality is kept as good as before and the investment is paid back in 24 months.

    HKIED Outdoor Pool   Ozonation Shut Down and Significant Cost Saved
There is one outdoor swimming pool in an educational institution. Pool water was disinfected by ozone and chlorine in the past. Due to high operation and maintenance cost, the ozonation system is shut down and replaced by AquaKLEAR. The water quality is kept as good as before and the investment is paid back in 18 months.
    HKIED Indoor Pool   Ozonation Shut Down and Significant Cost Saved
There is one indoor swimming pool in an educational institution. Pool water was disinfected by ozone and chlorine in the past. Due to high operation and maintenance cost, the ozonation system is shut down and replaced by AquaKLEAR. The water quality is kept as good as before and the investment is paid back in 18 months.
    QE Hydrotherapy Pool   Ozonation Shut Down and Water Quality Improved Significantly
There is a hydrotherapy pool in a government hospital. The water quality was poor due to the relatively high chlorine concentration as a result of breakdown of ozonator in the past. When AquaKLEAR is used, the chlorine-like smell is almost eliminated and the pool water is noticeably clear than before. Positive comment is given by physiotherapists.
    DTRC Hydrotherapy   Water Quality Improved Significantly
There is a hydrotherapy pool in a government hospital. The water quality was poor due to the relatively high chlorine concentration normally used in a hydrotherapy pool in the past. When AquaKLEAR is used, the chlorine-like smell is almost eliminated and the pool water is noticeably clear than before. Positive comment is given by physiotherapists.
    SH Swimming Pool   Water Quality Improved Significantly
There is an outdoor swiiming pool in a hotel. The water clarity was not satisfactory occasionally in the past. When AquaKLEAR is used, there is no more similar complaint reported.
    CMC Hydrotherapy Pool   Water Quality Improved Significantly
There is a hydrotherapy pool in a government hospital. The water quality was poor due to the relatively high chlorine concentration normally used in a hydrotherapy pool. Compliant of bleaching effect and irritation always received from physiotherapists in the past. When AquaKLEAR is used, the water quality is noticeably improved. Positive comment is given by physiotherapists.
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Case Studies